Trans Form Actions 2009/2010
Collaboration with University College Dublin Archaeology Department
Department Head: Gabriel Cooney
UCD Curator: Ian Russell
Sculpture in the Parklands Director/Curator: Kevin O'Dwyer
Funded by the European Union Educational and Cultural Foundation
University College Dublin Archaeology Department
This project deals with art transformations of the landscape.
Art is here understood in a broad sense, involving fields from Architecture, Archaeology, Landscape Architecture, Performance and Installation Art. Our objective is to involve a wide series of partners into the changing of different landscapes through the action of artists (in the broad sense mentioned).
The spaces of intervention vary through the European space, in different scenarios through different countries. The artworks range from LandArt interventions, to sculptures, installations and Performative art. Through this acts we want to show the “bringing forth” that is connected to the action of being, introducing new spaces that can be used also into the economic development and general welfare of the community.
The artworks will be carried in a logic of mobility, promotion and integration of young and experienced artists across the European space. The existing heritage will be a special concern in our project. The artworks intend to build a network of meanings between past and present, natural and human. Through this we hope to raise the potential of the existing cultural and environmental heritage, promoting its value.
There will be a close emphasis on a strategy of dissemination of the action. Through this we expect to build a wider sustainable European cultural network related to art landscape transformation. In the future we also expect that it can be developed not only through public bodies but by the private sector on other landscape projects, serving as a model.
Project beneficiaries
The project will benefit the populations in the area of the scenarios (rural areas with know disadvantages) through new equipment that is built, and new cultural resources and activities. This will also be a focus of a touristic movement that will be strengthen through the dissemination strategy.
The project will also benefit the young artists who will benefit of a opportunity to contact with other experiences and to get acquainted with new ideas, having the opportunity to develop their work.
The project will benefit the municipalities through reinforcing the cultural programme offer. It will benefit the spaces that are intervened by valorizing them.
It will benefit the institutions involved establishing new networks links.
It will benefit the artists involved allowing them to put in practice their ideas and promoting the mobility and sharing of experiences.
It will benefit the European space through a initiative that will have a European dimension putting Europe in a prominent place regarding Landscape Art intervention.
It will benefit the Art community by reinforcing its role in Landscape transformation
Commissioned Artists/Events