

Sculpture in the Parklands, Lough Boora Discovery park

Caroline Madden (USA/Ireland)

​​​​Sculpture in the Parklands


The work Cycles is a conglomeration of ideas derived of Lough Boora’s inherently beautiful landscape and wealth of cultural heritage. It focuses on the cyclical nature of land and mankind’s interaction, be it ownership or the purpose for which the land is used.

The overall sculptural form proposes a crown referencing the early Kingship of Ireland. At the base of the sculpture are twelve blade forms, symbolic of blades engaged to cultivate the earth. The raised linear stone wall which emanates from each blade into the landscape stands, as a recorded memory of the scaring required in bringing forth new life.

An arc fabricated from a recycled Bord na Mona train rail that had been originally used for harvesting peat positions the blade form. These arcs reach up into the sky then bend at the top to signify growth bending under the weight of fruit that is new life. New life is represented by the red seed forms spiralling out from the top of each arc to start a new cycle. The regal colour red simultaneously symbolizes life and death thus, providing a complete cycle.

Artist in Residence Programme 2006

work in progress

Photographs: Kevin O'Dwyer